Production Travel:
Road Concierge provides the absolute best in personal service. Road Concierge provides 24/7 accessibility and single point-of-contact service.
Road Concierge will provide at least 3 (typically 6) hotel options in each city so your team can strategically compare all options and make the best choice for specific needs and budget. Road Concierge will negotiate lower room rates and negotiate many additional cost-saving concessions. Road Concierge's standard hotel negotiating points include:
- complimentary rooms on a 1/15 (one-per-fifteen) paid basis
- complimentary upgrades
- complimentary local and toll-free calls
- complimentary high-speed internet access and usage
- discounted or complimentary breakfast
- discounted or complimentary parking for trucks, cars, buses
- no charge for portage or housekeeping tips
- no package delivery fees
- hotel reward points
- comp welcome receptions or drink vouchers
- complimentary "luggage storage room" on day of departure
We can also get you and your show from one place to another. We offer competitive pricing on charters, buses and freight.